
2015-08-15_23 Andy Cole

Roughing out a bowl blank

As a passionate wood turner, there is as much joy in sharing the art with others as there is in doing the work itself. Andy frequently demonstrates the skills of wood turning at art galleries, community events, wood shows, or just about anywhere that a woodturning artist might be an attraction. People often gather around to see what all the excitement is about as the wood shavings are flying and a chunk or wood is being transformed into a beautiful bowl.

Andy loves to chat with those in the audience while working at the same time. Some people are amused that he will shape a bowl while looking at the crowd instead of the piece he is turning. He just jokes that he knows what the tool is doing and doesn’t need to watch it all the time. For the refined cuts when the bowl gets a bit thinner the attention shifts back to the work of course!

The next time you see a wood turner shredding wood for a crowd of onlookers it just may be Andy. Look for the bearded guy who is having the time of his life making bowls and sharing the infectious passion with those around him.